Integrate new members and staff effectively, integrating learning material, and assess staff to ensure effective training
Record staff/contractors abilities and training, assess and improve induction programs
Secret Sauce
Integrate into the HR profile, and create personal development plans to personalise training
Induction Management SoftwareIntoweb's Induction Management Software provides a comprehensive platform to allow a company to easily integrate new employees into their environment. The content of the Induction Management Software is customisable to allow the company to include any references to documents, links and other media that the employee should read or view. Induction Management Software is the key to all your new employee training and induction needs, offering you a tool whereby you can add new, edit, manage and control Induction processes, broken into the various steps that form the overall process. With Intowebs Induction Management Software you can setup your employees into their various companies, divisions, departments & sections, with the system submitting daily feedback on their induction process after completion to the relevant manager or head of department. BenefitsWhat are the benefits of using Intoweb's Induction Software?
FeaturesTracking and Usage Induction Management Software allows you to create many induction processes within your organization, each process broken into days and/or many steps, to be followed by the person being inducted. Induction Management Software allows you to create many induction processes within your organization, each process broken into days and/or many steps, to be followed by the person being inducted. The steps in each process can be defined as a type consisting of the following:
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