Record all time spent on projects or other activities, integrates with leave, attendance and finance modules.
Find out where time is wasted or unbilled and maximise resource utilisation. Plan versus reality analytics.
Secret Sauce
MOBI friendly, easy to use tool for staff to easily keep track of their time.
Timesheets Records Management SystemThe Timesheets Records Management Software has been designed for tracking of the activities of employees regarding how the time was spent according to the project and client.The Timesheets records shows information regarding the client, project per client and whether the estimated time to complete the project was realistic. The employee and employer can evaluate how the time was spent and implement changes accordingly. The timesheets records help to ascertain whether the current time spent on the project is in relation to the cost, which thus helps to save money should corrective measures be put in place. BenefitsWhat are the benefits of using Intoweb's Time and Attendance System?
FeaturesAdministrative Features
User Features
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