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Online Leave Management Software

The online Leave Management Software facilitates the entire leave process. The employees complete their application online, and the application is sent for managerial or Human Resources approval according to the leave parameters already in place. Leave types are set according to the legal rates, but can be customised according to your company's needs.   Leave types include family leave, sick leave, study leave, and more. The online Leave management software improves productivity by improving efficiency, record keeping, and reporting. 

The Leave Management Software can be used as a standalone module, or as part of the HR Software suite, and helps the Human Resources department keep up-to-date with employee leave. Intoweb's Leave Management software is a comprehensive reporting and database driven application and fully integrates into all the Intoweb Intranet Software modules. 


  • The online Leave Management Software can be purchased as part of the HR package, or as a standalone Module
  • As the Leave Management Software is online, you can access the application anywhere anytime as long as you have an Internet connection. Employees can apply for leave and upload documents without needing to be in the office, making a more efficient process
  • The Leave Management software can be customised according to the business needs


Administrative Settings 
  • Choose the types of leave allowed - Sick, Annual, Family Responsibility, Maternity, Study, Unpaid, etc.
  • Choose the amount of days allowed for each of the types. A default is set for all the employees, but you can also modify it per employee.
  • Allocate leave annually or monthly depending on your company policies
  • The Leave System administrator can choose to set the persons for leave notifications regarding requests, applications, rejections, and approvals
  • Administrators or managers can assign additional leave days to employees, e.g., "Worked in Leave."
  • Choose the approval settings for leave applications


  • Each employee has a leave summary, showing the leave days they have available and the status of leave applications
  • Access to the Leave Software is secured to prevent employees from viewing other people's leave statuses
  • Employees can load their own sick notes, and supporting documentation 
  • Leave that is not available cannot be requested, e.g., if there is no annual leave available, the employee cannot request it as annual leave 
  • Easily apply for leave choosing the required leave type and amount of hours or days
Leave processing and Reporting
  • Notifications are received via email by relevant manager/s when a leave application is completed by an employee
  • Pending applications are visible on the Intranet platform when they login should they not see the email notification
  • Managers can login and access the Leave application via the email request, provided they are logged in, or be taken to the Intranet, allowing them to log in and access the leave application
  • Requests for approval or rejection are shown clearly with reasons for the application
  • Rejections have a field for reasons provided
  • Once the request has been approved or rejected, the applicant / employee will be notified
  • Summary reports are available for administrators, whereby management, HR, or the persons tasked with managing the employee's leave can search via an employee and leave year to get a summary of the employee's current leave applications as well as his outstanding leave days per category such as sick leave, maternity leave, yearly leave, etc.
  • Reporting on your Leave Management Software has been made user-friendly whereby the information required on the reports can be selected

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Our Clients

Kyalami, Midrand Sales (HR / Intranet) 065 975 2052 / Sales (LMS / financial) 081 4366 799

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