Consolidate learning administration, track student reports, manages student's details and courses registrations

Various student reports, programme and course reports. Multiple competency options

Secret Sauce
Fully integratable into other Intoweb modules. Track staff induction, training with abilities for adding unlimited number of courses. SCORM integratable

Edulearn Learner Management System

The Learner Management System (LMS) known as EduLearn is an eLearning (online) software application for learner training, administration and documentation of training content. The Intoweb's Learner Management system manages student's details, courses registrations, assignments and marks. The LMS can be fully integrated into the other Intoweb Modules and can thus be used for either in corporate mode or academy mode. The Learner Management System is a combination of modules such as eLearning Management Software and College Financial Software.

The Edulearn software / Learner Management System system is an online students registration, enrolment, and management system, tracking student marks, drawing students and class reports.

The Learner Management System in corporate mode can be used to upskill staff to reach competencies in their area of work, for induction or management courses and for staff ongoing contineous learning such as Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses.

For Colleges and Universities, the Learner Management System is used for student tracking of marks, creating student reports, and reporting on class marks. It tracks competency of the students according to NYC (not yet competent) / C (Competent) / HC (Highly competent) or percentage (pass and fail).

Students and staff on the online Edulearn software / Learner Management System suite can be linked to short courses (Ad Hoc) or programmes on the system, or as part of classroom training.

Learner Management System allows for multiple branches of the training institution with unlimited numbers of students, as well as being user friendly for assessors / trainers and teachers to use.


  • Students
    • Student personal details
    • Student photo
    • Student numbers
    • Student cards
    • Bulk emailing
    • Branches
  • Modules
    • Course Information
    • Lecturer
    • Assessor
    • Moderator
    • Credits
    • Pass mark
    • Evaluation types (Percentage, Pass/Fail, Meets Requirements/DNMR, NYC/C/HC, Custom)
    • Assessment Criteria (Item, Module, Criteria, Requirements)
    • Component Types
      • eLearning
      • Online assessment
      • Offline marks (assessments / practicals, etc)
      • Assignments
      • Documents / Videos
      • Blended learning types
      • Interactive video webinars for synchronous learning
    • Components Information
      • Test marks
      • Other components are only available when EduCentre is purchased (see EduCentre system)
      • Weighting
      • Deadlines
    • Module Certificate
  • SAQA Compliance
    • Module NQF
    • Unit standard mapping to assessment criteria
  • Programmes
    • Link modules to programmes
    • Branch mapping
    • Programme certificates
    • Study Years
  • Enrolment
    • Courses / Programmes
    • Suspension / exemption / discontinued
    • Start date / end date
    • Academic year and calendar year
    • Graduation
    • Branch linking
    • Linking / unlinking to programme courses
    • Terms
    • Comments on each component for assessment criteria in modules
    • Class management, bulk class marks
    • Lecturer/assessor rights to modules/courses
    • Optional eCommerce for online purchasing
  • Attendance
    • Daily attendance register
    • Photo clock in / clock out
  • Academic Transcript
    • Programme Report
    • Term reports
    • Proof of evidence report
  • Student notes
    • Record meeting notes
    • Student merits / demerits
    • Student issues 
